Are you on a journey with Alpha-1 Liver Disease?

The Redwood Study may help researchers better understand Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency–Associated Liver DiseaseAlpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency–Associated Liver Disease is also referred to as Alpha-1 Liver Disease or AATD Liver Disease. and learn more about an investigational study drug. To learn more, talk to your doctor today and take the prescreening questionnaire to see if you may qualify.

See if you may qualify

About The Redwood Study

The Redwood Study is currently recruiting participants between 18 and 75 years of age. If you or any of your family members have a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of Alpha-1 Liver Disease, please complete the questionnaire to determine your/their eligibility.

Complete the questionnaire

Learn more about The Redwood Study.

Participating Sites

Active site locations

Future site locations

See If You May Qualify

*Indicates required field.

Step 1 of 3

By answering the following questions, you agree to have the information you provide retained for the duration of the study and be contacted by phone or email (as provided) regarding interest in study participation only. If you are completing the questionnaire on behalf of someone else, please answer questions using their information.

Do you agree to submit your information?
Are you answering the questions for yourself?

e.g., A1A 1A1


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